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Renovation Starts Today

Mount Charleston will be receiving a $90 million renovation over the next few years.  When completed in May of 2015, a new visitors center will have been built and three campgrounds along with 4 picnic areas will have been renovated.  Two of the current campgrounds, Kyle Canyon and Old Mill will have been converted to picnic areas.  The Fletcher View and Hilltop campgrounds will not be affected by construction.

As of today, construction will start at the Kyle Canyon Campground which by next year will be a picnic area only due to new legislation regarding flood areas.  Other campgrounds will be renovated and enlarged as well which should make up for the campground space being lost.

The new visitor’s center will be the focal point of the project.  It will be 4,300 square feet, cost around $10 million when completed, and will be located along Kyle Canyon Road.  The current visitor center is located miles inside the recreation area and is more like a set of dilapidated wooden buildings.  Due to the location of the current visitor’s center, most people that drive to the Mount Charleston area don’t even see or visit it.

As a result of the size of these projects and current roads, construction traffic will be inevitable.  As new stories or road closures happen I will be sure to post about it.

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