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Trout and Lovell Canyon Reentry

Residents of Trout and Lovell canyons will be allowed to return to their homes after an evacuation from the Mt. Charleston fire starting at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 14, officials announced today.

It has not yet been determined when the residents of Lee and Kyle canyons will be able to return.

Those returning to Trout and Lovell canyons will pass through checkpoints staffed by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officers, American Red Cross representatives, the Clark County Fire Department and volunteers. The returnees will be asked for proof of residency, which can include driver’s licenses or utility bills.

Reentry into these mountain communities is being allowed following the determination by fire unified command that it is safe once again to occupy these areas. Officials have been paving the way for a safe, orderly and efficient return that ensures public health and safety. This includes the restoration of essential public services, the protection of critical infrastructure and the removal and mitigation of potential hazards.

Officials anticipate that 24 hours after reentry to Trout and Lovell canyons by the residents, the checkpoints will removed and there will be full public access.

Source: Incident Management Team

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