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Mt. Charleston News, Events and Weather

Roadwork on SR-157 – Kyle Canyon Road

Beginning on Wednesday, October 2 and continuing thru Tuesday, December 2, Kyle Canyon Road (SR-157) will be reduced to one lane for construction from mile markers 3.5 to 5.5.  The Nevada Department of Transportation expects delays and recommends using an alternate route.

The complete project which is scheduled to finish in late 2014 includes adding approximately 17 miles of road shoulder/bike lanes and two roundabouts to Kyle Canyon Road and an additional roundabout to Lee Canyon Road to improve access near developed recreation sites. The widening and improvements project is part of a collaborative, multi-agency effort funded and supported by FHWA, the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

For real-time Mount Charleston road conditions click here.

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